Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Video Editing -Epic Logo -Project #4

Make an Epic Logo Animation in Premiere Pro

This tutorial is well made and easy to follow.

NO add blend

WITH add blend

  • Create your name (logo) at COOLTEXT.com  
  • set the font size to 200
  • You CAN use animated images 
  • Make sure the background is TRANSPARENT
  • follow the tutorial
  • Do 3 Epic Logo Animations
  • try using a Company Logo
  • Show the before image and the final Epic Logo
also export as a movie H.264 and Youtube 480p SD

The animated gif does not do the Epic Logo justice as is lowers the graphics and causes blocky lighting effects.

Exit Interview - January 2019

Exit Interview COPY and PASTE the following QUESTIONS  into YOUR final post  then answer them.  1. Comment about your work et...