Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday Post -September 28, 2018

1. Create the App with 5 buttons

  • Your blog - as the main link

  • Add what the tutorial asks for : twitter and instagram

plus 3 more buttons

2. Write a short review of thunkable. Explain what it is, what you have done with it and give your opinion.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thunkable -Intermediate

Thunkable -Intermediate

Intermediate       there are 10 !

4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 require thunkable classic
(although - all could be done with the classic version)
These will be omitted or marked as a BONUS 

  • Post a screenshot -the blocks -a link to the app
  • make sure your name is in the app

1. The Tutorial:

My Version: Int-1-Button changes

2. The Tutorial :

My Version: Int -2- Photo Sharing

to make this work you will need a:

under DESIGN in thunkable choose Media_DB1 - On-the-right add the values above

you will also need FireBase info - the account is automatic - no need to logon

  • a firebase database   Choose Get Started and create a database (call it "Photo Sharing")
  • once you have this choose project overview
  • click on 

 the following highlights the info you will need - don't use mine!

In Thunkable - DESIGN - choose Realtime_DB1
on-the-right choose Go to Firebase setting - add your info
SETUP your database in firebase
Click on Database - choose realtime database - click on Rules (tab) - make sure the database (look above rules tab) is set to "Realtime Database"
rewrite  read: true, and write: true
then click PUBLISH

back to thunkable
check your blocks add a second button to DOWNLOAD the image you sent to cloudinary

My Version: Int -3- Screen Navigation

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Thunkable -Basic

Thunkable iOS Overview

From their website:
advice: do the tutorial - make sure it works - personalize it
add name - design - extra functions
  • Tutorial 1: My Phone Can Talk!
  • Tutorial 2: Click for Sound
  • Tutorial 3: Random Answers
  • Tutorial 4: Image Recognition
  • Tutorial 5: Translator
example POST: Name of APP, link to APP, screenshot

1.  My Version: My Phone Can Talk!

2.  My Version: Click for Sound

3.  My Version: Random Answers

4.  My version: Image Recognition


5.  My Version: Translator (Italian)

other YouTube Tutorials




Thursday, September 13, 2018

Friday POST Sept 14

1. 6 shortcuts SPECIFIC to Photoshop and describe what they do.

ex:  CTRL - T ...the transform tool, for enlarging, shrinking or flipping images

2. Remove everything but the octopus in the following image. Describe how you did it. What are the shortcuts for the tools you used? 

3. Find a tutorial on YouTube of some interesting Special Effect (that is not too simple >10 minutes) in Photoshop. Post the tutorial. Get ready to master it at a later date.


3D effect in Photoshop cs6 

Pop out effect | Photoshop Tutorials

Monday, September 10, 2018



1. What is an infographic? Give a definition - best to use your own words (no mark otherwise)

2. 4 examples (in a table)

4 Infographic Examples

3. Create your own - use photoshop
   1500 w x 1000 h
 - use of layers
 - naming layers
 - cropping tool
 - filters
 - text tool

title of 1st infographic: 

This is me...working toward my future.

title of 2nd infographic:

Do ____ this way
(a step by step instructional infographic)

title of 3rd infographic:
A research project on _______



Cannabis in Canada

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Elon Musk

Colin Kaepernick

Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Post Sept 7

Friday Post Sept 7, 2018
What to Learn - in - Information Technology?

 for each question - write words - add an image - then embed a YouTube video 

1.  What do you already know?

2.  What do you want to learn?

3.  How will computers fit into your future?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Predicted Grade


find numbers to create a predicted percent grade and letter grade:
All "transparent" "animated" gifs
If you choose: A -  97%  then get an 7, a 9, a percent sign and the Letter
I used insert URL - under 'insert image' above

<div style="background: peru;">


<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #33ccff 0%, #ff99cc 100%);">


Use the following CODE to fix the background issue behind the transparent images.

Go to:
Design - Layout - Template Designer - Advanced - (scroll down to) - Add CSS
then paste in the following:

.post-body img, .post-body .tr-caption-container, .Profile img, .Image img,

.BlogList .item-thumbnail img {

  padding: 0 !important;

  border: none !important;

  background: none !important;

  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

  -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;


place the same animated gifs in a table

add background colors  example-->        style="background: lime;"
add border thickness  example                 border="5" 

Predicted Grades

Create a blog

Create a blog - fix it - enhance it


  •  make the theme simple


Exit Interview - January 2019

Exit Interview COPY and PASTE the following QUESTIONS  into YOUR final post  then answer them.  1. Comment about your work et...