Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Exit Interview - January 2019

Exit Interview

COPY and PASTE the following QUESTIONS 
into YOUR final post 
then answer them.

 1. Comment about your work ethic in this course and why.
 ...be honest here

 2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
... list them out

 3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why?
...list them out

I still like this so here it is one last time.
Morning Brew
... an excellent email news feed.
I mentioned it back in October.
I still find the content interesting.
... the latest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley.

give it a try:

Friday, January 18, 2019

Game Journalism FINAL DAY slideshow

Game Journalism FINAL DAY - Slideshow

Today ONLY

START over


What are you capable of in ONE HOUR of rafting?

  1.  Create a NEW world - {TAKE A SCREENSHOT}
  2.  Collect Items - {TAKE A SCREENSHOT}
  3.  Build stuff - {TAKE A SCREENSHOT}


NOTE: what ever you do {TAKE A SCREENSHOT}

Due to limitations associated with uploading large powerpoint files to Google Slide: Choose your TOP 50 Screenshots

Once DONE:  
Create a PowerPoint slide show of your HOUR of Rafting Survival

Title Page: Title, Explain what you are doing, Your Name

* Embed the code on your BLOG

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Game Journalism Day 4 - Upgrades

Game Journalism Day 4 - Upgrades

5 Things you have upgraded

1. (original IMAGE) ( upgraded IMAGE) -What does it do better?
2. (original IMAGE) ( upgraded IMAGE) -What's the difference?
3. (original IMAGE) ( upgraded IMAGE) -How does this help?
4. (original IMAGE) ( upgraded IMAGE) -Why did you do it?
5. (original IMAGE) ( upgraded IMAGE) -Was it worth it - why?


Hook, Anchor, Water, Grill, Foundation, Spear, Hammer, Axe, Fishing Rod, Crop Plot, Cup, Paddle, Bed

also Your RAFT (IMAGE)

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Game Journalism Play 4

Game Journalism Play 4

What would you do?

1. If you were to start over.

From memory...layout the first 10 steps


2. What is the best tool to make for survival? (IMAGE)

3.  Your raft to date (IMAGE). What is the best feature on your raft? 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Game Journalism Day 3 - Build More

Game Journalism Day 3 - Build More

  • MOVIEs- (as always) Add a title then add your name in the CREDITs
  • (IMAGES) -(as always) - edit the image to add your captions

Build onto your raft (IMAGE)  -show building onto your raft [MOVIE]

What are the right click options when holding a hammer?
Use (IMAGEs) to display each of the 7 options.

Here are more items to show:

  • A second level - (IMAGE)
  • a Net - (IMAGE)
  • a research table - (IMAGE)
  • a crop plot - How to plant [VIDEO]
  • scare crow - (IMAGE)
  • shark bait -Shark eating Shark bait [VIDEO]
  • foraging on an Island - (IMAGE)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Game Journalism Play 3

Game Journalism Play 3


Be specific with your answers in relation to the game itself.

1. What NEW things did you build today? [IMAGE]

2. How will these NEW things help you play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?

3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?

4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) 
Explain why you built the raft the way you did.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Game Journalism Day 2 - Thrive

Game Journalism Day 2 - Thrive

Things you need to thrive

make a water purifier [IMAGE] then demo it [MOVIE].

Make sure the images have captions and the movies have titles

purifying water

create a fishing rod [IMAGE] then catch a fish [MOVIE]

a fishing rod

construct a simple grill [IMAGE] then cook a fish [MOVIE]

a simple grill in the menu under Food/Water

cooking a fish

  • Sail your Raft   (IMAGE) [VIDEO]

other items to do

(This may take a couple days):

  • Defend from a shark  (IMAGE) [VIDEO]
  • Row your boat  (IMAGE) [VIDEO]
  • Chop a tree  (IMAGE) [VIDEO]
  • Forage under water  (IMAGE) [VIDEO]
  • Ram another raft to pillage it  (IMAGE) [VIDEO]

Exit Interview - January 2019

Exit Interview COPY and PASTE the following QUESTIONS  into YOUR final post  then answer them.  1. Comment about your work et...